My reasons for writing are simple. I love my country, I feel it is going down the wrong path and I want to do my part to influence the country towards liberty. I have no illusion that many people will read one of my articles and instantly convert to my point of view, but I hope that by providing a fresh perspective, I can help others look at the world in a new way and give them a better platform for making decisions for themselves.
Some people have complained that I’ve spent too much time attacking Trump. Perhaps I have, but let me explain why. First, Trump is the only game in town right now. He’s easily the most dynamic figure on the political scene, and the current battle over whether or not he becomes the GOP nominee is likely to be the single most important factor influencing the nation over the next four years. I have to discuss him. Second, I wrote all the articles on Trump before I started publishing them, and though I quickly realized after I began publishing that I had written too much for most people to read, I figured I may as well finish what I already started hence the twelve-part anti-Trump barrage I delivered over the course of two weeks.
That being said, I’ve said my peace about Trump for the moment, and now I’m giving it a break. I’m sure I will make some brief comments about him addressing the daily news and longer comments down the line, but no long screeds are in the immediate future.
In general, I’m going to make an effort to write more concisely. I intend to post many “Quick Thought,” articles throughout the week on whatever is on my mind.
Tomorrow, I’m going to release something personal about a recent loss that my family experienced.
Many people have asked me to write things designed to reach people being wooed by Hillary and Bernie, so I have several things designed to help people trying to knock the scales off the eyes of leftists. I’ll probably release the first one next week.
Along similar lines, I’m going to write an ongoing series which will discuss some very basic principles of liberty. These might seem simple to some, but it has become increasingly obvious that many people on both sides of the aisle lack the fundamental bedrock principles upon which any good government must be built, so we must begin to learn and teach these things.
I have more in the works, but I’ve teased enough for the moment. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read and consider my writing. If you enjoy an article, please share it with others.
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