Scenario #1 - Trump Wins the Nomination
Over a third of the Republican Party says they will never pull the lever for Donald Trump in the general election. If these numbers hold true, Trump cannot win. Even if Trump manages to convince two-thirds of Republican holdouts to jump aboard the Trump Train, the remaining ten percent of holdouts would still be enough to scuttle Trump’s Presidential dreams. Some have argued that what Trump loses in Republicans he will gain in independents and Democrats, but there is no evidence for that. In fact, 54% of likely voters of all political stripes would never vote for Donnie. To win, Trump would have to convince people adamantly against him to pull a complete 180, and that rarely happens in politics. Head-to-head polling contests between Trump and Hillary also predict doom; Trump has lost all ten of the last ten match-ups against Hillary never coming within five points of her lead.
Trump stands no significant chance of winning.
Scenario #2 - Cruz Wins the Nomination

Even if Cruz does win, we still have to address the elephant in the room or perhaps more aptly the elephant who will leave the room. At last week’s CNN town hall, Trump has disavowed his promise to back whoever is chosen as the GOP nominee. It’s not hard to imagine Trump running third party either out of spite, ego or delusion, and if he does, 80% of Trump supporters have said they will break from the GOP ranks thereby scuttling a Cruz presidency.
Scenario #3 - The Establishment Picks a Nominee

If you combine the Republican support for Trump and Cruz, you see that a massive 72% of the GOP is sick and tired of the establishment nonsense. Both sides will be infinitely ticked if their candidates are tossed aside for a puppet President. The base will see that the GOP doesn’t care about the choice of it’s constituents, and massive fractures will appear in the party as both Trump and Cruz supporters jump the sinking GOP ship.
Hillary will almost certainly win, but this problem extends beyond this election. This could easily be the end of the GOP for there’s no likely scenario that results in anything other than a fractured party.
Good article; and you missed the few of us who see the evil as presented in both front runners and are tired of "voting for the lesser evil" which doesn't work anyway, and will vote for NEITHER!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment, and sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I need to set it up so that I'm notified when people leave a comment.
DeleteI'm personally hoping for a Cruz victory though I do see some problems with him, but I can understand people who see a problem with him as well.