Friday, May 27, 2016

The Insidious Agenda of the Bubble Gun Ban

Another grade-schooler got suspended for bringing an obviously fake gun to school.

How many times have you heard similar stories? Once? Twice? Two dozen times?

Immediately, people start complaining about a lack of common sense and political correctness run amok, and sure, that’s fair, but let’s look a little deeper for once. 

The school sent home this five-year-old girl for the day and recorded the suspension in her permanent record because she took a transparent, plastic, bright green and orange bubble blowing gun to school, so what does this and the many cases like this teach kids? I contend it teaches two things.

First, this nonsense teaches kids that guns are bad. School is a place where are we are taught to be good little boys and girls, but guns are so horrible that even a finger or a Pop-Tart shaped like a gun has to be treated as if they might suddenly take on a life of it’s own and massacre a school full of innocent children. Any child who would dare even draw a picture of a gun clearly has animosity towards others and is a menace to any safe society, so the message is clear. “Fear the gun, fear the gun, fear the gun!”

Second, this nonsense teaches kids to blindly follow the rules and not use an ounce of critical thinking skills. Any rational society would at bare minimum call the parents and say, “Hey, no big deal, but we noticed Suzy brought a bubble gun to school, and that violates the school policy. We know it’s nothing, but it’s against our policy, so can you just double check to make sure the kid isn’t bringing any gun shaped toys to school?” but no, this zero tolerance bull crap requires suspension and a note to be placed in the child’s permanent record even though anyone with a single brain cell would know that the child is no threat, but it’s not about thinking but about rules, and the numbskulls at the school are merely pawns of the school policy. They do what they are told unquestioningly, and by unthinkingly conforming to the system, they are training up a new generation which will be even more mindlessly conformist than themselves. 

Is it any wonder that American college students are crying out for safe spaces and screaming about micro aggressions when we’ve spent over a decade training them to avoid any critical thought and freak out at anything that even remotely resembles an object that could be dangerous if used improperly? We have raised and are raising generations of cowardly morons. 

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