Would anyone challenge me on this point? Trump’s ego has reached a critical mass and has become a self-sustaining punchline to an ongoing societal joke. It seems Trump has hinged every one of his endeavors on the greatness that is the Trump. Trump's name is so omnipresent that after watching Trump brag about himself for an hour before firing someone, you can spray on some Donald Trump Cologne, throw on a Trump tie and enjoy a fancy night with friends playing Trump: The Board Game.Trump has plastered his name on so many projects, that even Batman wearing his Batsuit in his Batmobile playing on his Batcomputer would have to say, “Donald, don’t you think you’re taking this whole branding thing a little too far?”
Trump’s obsession with himself is hard to miss, but in case you weren’t paying attention, it’s worth truly considering the kind of mind that could make the following claims.
“I will be the greatest jobs president that God has ever created.” (Source)
"I have the world's greatest memory. It's one thing everyone agrees on.” (Source)
“I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me.” (Source)
“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault.” (Source)
"I always win. I win at golf. I’m a club champion many times at different clubs. I win at golf. I can sink the three-footer on the 18th hole when others can’t. My whole life is about winning. I don’t lose often. I almost never lose.” (Source)
“I think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I’m ever wrong.” (Source)
Clearly, Trump adores Trump.
Once, I thought Trump's ego was all an act. He had a cocky persona for his show, but it was a caricature of his true self, but after eight months of constant media coverage, I'm left with the inescapable conclusion that Trump truly is an egomaniac.

With this in mind, how can so many people consider electing Trump for the highest office in the world?
After nearly seven years of what some have labeled President Obama’s Worldwide Apology Tour where Obama seemingly bemoaned every mistake the United States had ever made, brought our failures to the limelight and insisted that the United States was no better than any other nation, many conservatives are desperate for a leader who will speak of American exceptionalism, exude confidence and restore American standing in the international community. Whatever you think of Trump, nobody can argue that the man lacks confidence or fails to promise America’s return to greatness.
However, Trump goes far beyond mere confidence. Trump’s cocky, haughty and prideful.
Wasn’t there some old saying about pride going before destruction and a haughty spirt before a fall? That ringing bells for anybody else?

We’ve all had run-ins with people with little ego problems. These people think too much of themselves, speak constantly of their own successes, believe they are better than others and rarely admit their mistakes. Are these the kinds of people you would want to invite into your home? Are these the kind of people you want working with you at your job? Would you ever want these types of people to be in a position of authority and power over you? No! These are the people that you scramble to avoid because they make everything more difficult and all too often leave a path of destruction in their wake.
However, Trump goes even beyond the range of normal egotists. If you take Trump at his word, the only reasonable conclusion you can reach is that Trump is a genuine narcissist, and narcissism is a serious and incredibly dangerous mental disorder.

Even if Trump agreed with me on every single political issue, I could never support him. All by itself, Trump's narcissism disqualifies him from office.
Humility isn’t some trifling moral bonus for a politician; it’s a crucial an indispensable requirement for any good leader. We must select a President who has the humility to listen to the law, to the people and to the still, small voice of God.
If you enjoyed this article, you'll be happy to know I've written a whole series on Trump. Click Here to Check them Out.
If you enjoyed this article, you'll be happy to know I've written a whole series on Trump. Click Here to Check them Out.
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