1. Trump is an egomaniac. He will not admit he has ever made a mistake. He is not just confident and prideful. He has a serious mental illness. The man is deluded.
2. Trump’s positions are bad. Trump supports government run healthcare, a pathway to citizenship for illegals, a take over of the banks, government stealing private property to help businessmen, the bailouts, the stimulus packages, Affirmative Action, tariffs, murder, welfare, the Patriot Act and killing Snowden.
3. Trump is mean. He returns attacks on his policies with personal attacks. He betrays friends the second it helps him. He even cut off insurance to his ill grandnephew out of anger.

5. Trump doesn’t understand big government or the Constitution. Trump doesn’t criticize the size of government. He says the power is in the hands of “stupid” people when it should be in his hands. He never stand up for the Constitution but proposes policies against the Constitution.
6. Trump is a bad person. He lies, he abuses people, he steals, he’s sexually gross, he bribes politicians, he’s prideful, he’s racist, and he claims to be a Christian while refusing to admit his faults to God and repent for his sins!
7. He will lose. Trump has much lower popularity ratings than Cruz and Rubio, and he fails in head-to-head polling against Hillary. If Trump wins the Republican nomination, the mainstream media will roll out their stack of attack pieces on Trump that they’ve been keeping off the air. The points I’ve mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg. Trump will lose.
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