In my previous article (Check Out Part One), I discussed how Trump will mercilessly and personally attack anyone who stands in his way even if the target for Trump’s wrath did nothing wrong.
This pattern of behavior should seem familiar to you. For the past seven years, conservatives have criticized the divisive tactics of President Obama. Using his Presidential influence, Obama has also exercised his power to punish political enemies, deride media organizations that opposed his policies and use derogatory language against those that criticized him. Though he’d never admit it, Trump has found someone who shares his penchant for nursing petty emotional bruises and his thirst for enacting revenge in Obama.
Realize that if Donald Trump becomes the next President of the United States, we will give a man who openly admits that he uses his power to inflict pain on those that oppose him more power than any other individual on the planet. As scary as it may be to think of Trump with nukes, there is actually a much more subtle set of weapons Trump might use to bring retribution on his enemies.
In 2013, it came to light that the IRS had unjustly targeted conservative groups for additional scrutiny, investigation and prosecution. Despite these crimes, nobody has been fired or prosecuted for this abuse of federal power. Attempts to try and determine who gave the orders for this targeting have not succeeded, but regardless of the identity of the scheme’s architect, the fact remains that someone decided to use the power of the government bureaucracy to suppress a political enemy, and nobody has or likely ever will answer for it.
The federal government has over a hundred agencies, and each one of those could be wielded as a weapon for personal gain by a man with sufficient power but insufficient ethics. If you think Trump has the self-restraint to choose mercy and forgiveness instead of vengeance and retribution, then consider this true story from the pages of Trump’s past.

Sadly, the story gets worse. Fred III had a son, William, who was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder that creates seizures, brain damage and large stacks of medical bills. By the time of the lawsuit, William had already been near death twice and needed frequent medical attention. Being fully aware of this, Trump pulled the insurance from his nephew and grandnephew purely for the sake of revenge and leverage. When asked why he cut medical coverage, Trump admitted, “I was angry because they sued.” When the interviewer suggested that was coldblooded, Trump agreed saying, “I can’t help that. It’s cold when someone sues my father. Had he come to see me, things could very possibly have been much different for them.”
Trump’s pattern is clear. He destroys all those who oppose him. Perhaps you know this, yet you find in yourself with a desire for revenge. Perhaps you want to see Democrats and Progressives suffer at the hands of a man who knows how to abuse power. If so, your heart’s in the wrong place, but if I can’t reach your heart, maybe you’re head is still operational. Trump won’t target just the leftists. He will turn on you and anyone else who breaks ranks with him for even a second for that is his nature.
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